Starting over

Yes, this is in English! Read on and I’ll explain why…

Lately on this blog I’ve just been cross posting some pictures I took and posted to Flickr. It definitely is not the way to get this blog forward. So I’ve been thinking a lot about what to do with this blog. Is blogging still the way to go? Should I just get a Tumblr-blog to post the pictures to? Or should I just stick with Flickr and tweet about every new picture? Should I just dump the blog?

Hell, no!

I’ve complained about writing earlier (in Dutch). I even found a draft post I wrote about this topic but never published… hey, procrastinators are the leaders of tomorrow! So there is definitely a problem on my side. This is something I have to deal with if I decide this blog stays and I want it to go forward.

The problem is, I guess, what this blog lacks. There is no common subject for any posts to cling to. Well, there is, actually, but I have to take it to the next level. And I think I’ve found a way to do it all: as I’m more and more thinking about photography, trying to shoot more, and more importantly, share more, I think this blog could boost my photography skills and get me more exposure. That also means I will have to write more, post more, get more readers, more interaction, more more, and then even more of everything. And since the Dutch audience isn’t exactly the largest, I’ve decided to do it all in English.

So, expect some changes on this blog! I already have some subjects for a number of blogposts in mind. I also want to extend the site, besides the blog. I’m already working on that too, but it needs some more time to come to fruition.

Switching to English also means a new title for the blog. I mean, an English-written blog with a title only the Dutch readers will understand is a bit daft, don’t you think. Starting now this blog will be called “Me, myself and I (and nothing else)”.

Wish me luck!

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